Geoquest in Malaysia, Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.

Natural risks mitigation

Slope stabilization


Geoquest offers solutions for slope stabilization using steel mesh barriers and drapery, and MSE wall bunds to manage slope stability.

Natural risks mitigation


Terre Armee designs engineered solutions and supplies materials for the mitigation of natural risks.

Rockfall protection


World-record performance of narrow reinforced soil bunds proves Geoquest companies lead in R&D for defensive rock fall protection.

Flood protection


Reinforced Earth® and geosynthetic solutions to protect flood-prone zones underground and above the ground.

Coastal protection and restoration


Terre Armee and subsidiaries have invested decades of engineering toward the development of solutions for coastal protection and restoration.

Avalanche protection


Terre Armee and subsidiaries have invested decades of engineering R&D toward the use of MSE walls for avalanche risk mitigation.

Erosion protection


Terre Armee provides protective engineered solutions for erosion control and scour protection.

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